Suppose a case where dynamic FK is created on Team.TeamID and TeamMember.TeamID AND you have multiple customer databases. What if you got a requirement where you have to drop this FK through script.( Remember, in each database FK name will be different )
Here I am giving you an example which shows how dynamic FK is generated AND how to avoid it.
--Add a master table CREATE TABLE dbo.TempTeam ( TeamID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, TeamName VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; GO --Add child table and making 'TeamID' as FK --In this case, SQL server will give a dynamic name to this FK CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TempTeamMember] ( [TeamID] INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES TempTeam (TeamID) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, [UserID] INT NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]; --Let us check the dynamic name of FK. In my case it is 'FK__TempTeamM__TeamI__1367E606' SELECT name FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('TempTeamMember'); GO --Now lets drop the TeamMember table DROP TABLE [TempTeamMember]; GO --Add child table and making 'TeamID' as FK with proper name CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TempTeamMember] ( [TeamID] INT NOT NULL, [UserID] INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_TempTeamMember_TempTeam FOREIGN KEY (TeamID) REFERENCES TempTeam (TeamID) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ON [PRIMARY]; --FK name is 'FK_TeamMember_Team' which we have defined above SELECT name FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE parent_object_id = object_id('TempTeamMember'); --At the end drop tables DROP TABLE TempTeamMember; DROP TABLE TempTeam;
Always give a proper name to your Foreign Key.
Because it will be easy to create script when you need to alter or remove that fixed named FK from multiple databases.